Proclaiming Christ to the Community and the World


Committed to the Sovereignty of God, the Authority of the Scriptures, and the Lordship of Jesus Christ


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February 2, 2025Counterfeit GodsRomans 1:18-25
January 26, 2025Does God Really Exist?Psalm 24; Hebrews 11:6
January 19, 2025With Confidence and Credibility: Apologetics or Apologies1 Peter 3:13-17
January 12, 2025Following JesusLuke 5:1-11
January 5, 2025I Will Give You Rest - Guest: Ian Bridgman1 Kings 18:20-40
December 29, 2024Following JesusLuke 5:1-11
December 22, 2024His Name Is EmmanuelJohn 1:14
December 15,2024The Light of the WorldJohn 1: 6-13
December 8, 2024LifeJohn 1:4-5
December 1, 2024God & ManJohn 1:1-3
November 24, 2024The Vine and the BranchesJohn 15:1-17
November 17, 2024Should Christians Suffer?Romans 8:18-25
November 10, 2024Christians at WarEphesians 6:10-20
November 3, 2024One Holy Catholic ChurchEphesians 2:19-22
October 27, 2024Reformation DayRomans 3:21-26
October 20, 2024Tulips in OctoberEphesians 1:15-19a
October 13, 2024Union With ChristRomans 6:1-5
October 6, 2024Bring Forth the Royal Diadem - Guest: Tom LanouePsalm 2:1-8
September 29, 2024The Ancient Paths - Guest: Tom LanouePsalm 1:1-6
September 22, 2024SanctificationPhilippians 2:12-13
September 15, 2024Blessed Are the Sons of GodJohn 1:11-13
September 8. 2024JustificationRomans 1:16-17
September 1, 2024Conviction and RepentanceMark 1:14-15
August 25, 2024FaithJohn 3:9-16
August 18, 2024RegenerationEphesians 2:1-10
August 11, 2024May I Ask Who is CallingJohn 10:1-5
August 4, 204Being Right with GodRomans 8:28-33
July 28, 2024Of Dignity and ShamePsalm 8:1-9
July 21, 2024Practical TheologyMatthew 22:37-40
July 14, 2024New ClothesMatthew 22:1-14
July 7, 2024Jesus is LordGenesis 49:9-12
June 30, 2024Longing for HomeGenesis 49:28- 50:3
June 23, 2024Strangers in a Foreign LandGenesis 45:16-20; 46:1-7
June 16, 2024Husbands Love Your WivesEphesians 5:25-6:4
June 9, 2024God Meant it for GoodGenesis 45:5-8
June 2, 2024It Comes to a HeadGenesis 44:1 – 45:5
May 26, 2024What Does He Want?Genesis 43:1-34
May 19, 2024Family ReunionGenesis 42:1-38
May 12, 2024Prerequisites for God’s ServantsGenesis 41:1-46
May 5, 2024A God Forsaken PlaceGenesis 40:1-23
April 28, 2024Does God Really Have a Wonderful Plan for Your Life?Genesis 39:1-23
April 21, 2024Joseph and His BrothersGenesis 37:1-36
April 14, 2024You Shall Go Out in Joy: Guest Dieter SchmidtIsaiah 55:6-13
April 7, 2024The Church’s Identity1 Peter 2:4-10
March 31, 2024The Glory Has Returned1 Samuel 5:1-5
March 24, 2024Ichabod1 Samuel 4:1-22
March 17, 2024What About Miracles?John 6:16-21
March 10, 2024Born AgainJohn 3:1-16
March 3, 2024Vicarious AtonementRomans 3:21-26
February 25, 2024A Virgin Birth?Matthew 1:18-23
February 18, 2024Only Rule for Faith and Conduct2 Timothy 3:10-17
February 11, 2024What do we do with this?Genesis 34:1-31
February 4, 2024ReunionGenesis 33:1-17
January 28, 2024Touched by the Hand of JesusGenesis 32:22-32
January 21, 2024A Needle in the Haystack: Guest Andrew RiceColossians 3:1-4
January 14, 2024Twas Grace that Taught My Heart to FearGenesis 32:1-21
January 7, 2024Different ‘gods'Genesis 31:1 -55
December 31, 2023The King’s Marching OrdersMatthew 28: 16-28
December 24, 2023What Child Is This?Luke 2:8-11
December 17, 2023Upon This RockDaniel 2:31-35
December 10, 2023Our Shepherd KingMicah 5:1-6
December 3, 2023War and PeaceIsaiah 9:1-7
November 26, 2023Brokering the DealGenesis 30:25-43
November 19, 2023Looking for LoveGenesis 29:31 – 30:24
November 12,2023Family AffairGenesis 29:1-30
November 5. 2023BethelGenesis 28:10-22
October 29, 2023Of the Father’s Love Begotten Guest:Tom LanoueJohn 1:14-18
October 22, 2023Who For Us and For Our Salvation Guest: Tom LanoueJohn 1:1-14
October 15, 2023A Dysfunctional FamilyGenesis 27:1-46
October 8, 2023Water WarsGenesis 26:12-35
October 1, 2023Patriarch IIGenesis 26:1-11
September 24, 2023Ever had Lentil Stew?Genesis 25:27-34
September 17, 2023SWOGGenesis 26:12-26
September 10, 2023And Abraham DiedGenesis 25:1-11
September 3, 2023Mission ImpossibleGenesis 24:1-28, 61-67
August 27, 2023Perspectives on Life and DeathGenesis 23:1-20
August 20, 2023How Could He Do That?Genesis 22:1-24
August 13, 2023Church and StateGenesis 21:22-23
August 6, 2023Sibling RivalryGenesis 21:8-21
July 30, 2023At Long LastGenesis 21:1-7
July 23, 2023Not Again!Genesis 20:1-10
July 16, 2023The Saga ContinuesGenesis 19:30-38
July 9, 2023Snatched from the FireGenesis 19:1-29
July 2, 2023A Defaced MonumentGenesis 18:16-23
June 25, 2023A Laughing MatterGenesis 18:1-16
June 18, 2023A Covenant FamilyGenesis 17:1-14
June 11, 2023Choices We MakeGenesis 16:1-16
June 4, 2023Street of BloodGenesis 15:7-21
May 28, 2023What is Counted as Righteousness?Genesis 15:6
May 21, 2023FaithGenesis 15:1-6
May 14, 2023A Mystery ManGenesis 14:17-24
May 7, 2023What Were You Thinking?Genesis 12:10-20
April 30, 2023The Cost of DiscipleshipGenesis 13:1-18
April 23, 2023Many Religions, One GospelGenesis 12:1-3
April 16, 2023Guest: Rev Bob HallIsaiah 1:1-20
April 9, 2023Can These Bones Live?Ezekiel 37:1-6
April 2, 2023The Citadel of ManGenesis 11:1-9
March 26, 2023Sin RetournéGenesis 9:18-29
March 19, 2023Starting OverGenesis 8:20-9:17
March 12, 2023The FloodGenesis 6:1-22
March 5, 2023Family ResemblanceGenesis 4:17-26
February 26, 2023Family FeudGenesis 4:1-16
February 19, 2023A Steep Price to PayGenesis 3:14-24
February 12, 2023SinGenesis 3:1-15
February 5, 2023A Chemistry LessonGenesis 2:15-17
January 29, 2023Creation OrdinancesGenesis 2:1-4
January 22, 2023Life in the GardenGenesis 2:1-17
January 15, 2023Who Am IGenesis 1:26-31
January 8, 2023Creator and CreationGenesis 1:1-25
January 1, 2023BeginningGenesis 1:1
December 18, 2022Jesus Christ – God with UsMatthew 1:18-25
December 11, 2022Joseph’s Encounter with JesusMatthew 1:18-25
December 4, 2022You Can Never Eat Too MuchRuth 1:1-22
November 27, 2022The Marks of the ChurchGalatians 1:6-10
November 20, 2022Organization and OrganismEphesians 4:7-16
November 13, 2022Perspectives on the Church1 Peter 1:1-2
November 6, 2022A ReminderDeuteronomy 16:1-8
October 30, 2022A Reformation ChurchJohn 2:13-22
October 23, 2022A Bigger ChurchActs 2:5-12
October 16, 2022The Bible and the ChurchEphesians 2:19-22
October 9, 2022What’s for supper?Matthew 26:26-29
October 2, 2022More Than Meets the Eye Guest: Tom LanoueLuke 19:1-10
September 25, 2022Where are the foundations?Psalm 11:1-7
September 18, 2022Exchange of GiftsEphesians 4:7-12
September 11, 2022Body and SpiritEphesians 4:1-6
September 4, 2022Looking for JesusJohn 12:20-26
August 28, 2022The Body of ChristColossians 1:15-20
August 21, 2022A Kingdom ParadoxLuke 7:18-28
August 14, 2022Upon This RockDaniel 2:31-35
August 7, 2022Where Does God Live?Exodus 33:1-23
July 31, 2022Centerpiece of the ChurchPsalm 96:1-13
July 24, 2022Our Daily BreadExodus 16:1-16a
July 17, 2022Ecclesiastical IdentityExodus 19:1-7
July 10, 2022 Promises, Warnings Guest: Tom LanoueHebrews 4:11-13
July 3, 2022Giants In The Land! Guest: Tom LanoueHebrews 3:1-19
June 26, 2022The Art of Christian FellowshipPhilippians 4:21-23
June 5, 2022Church MembershipMatthew 16:13-18
May 22, 2022Two TentsPhilippians 4:4-7
May 15, 2022The Right Fist of FellowshipPhilippians 4:1-4
May 8, 2022A Mother and ChildIsaiah 49:15-18
May 1, 2022Following JesusPhilippians 3:17-4:1
April 24, 2022Philippian MarathonPhilippians 3:12-16
April 17,2022Christ the FirstfruitsPhilippians 3:8b-11, 1 Corinthians 15:20-26
April 10, 2022Royalty in DisguisePhilippians 2:5b-11
April 3, 2022Currency ExchangePhilippians 1:1-11
March 27, 2022Living in His Story - Guest Kirk van der SwaaghActs 9:1-22
March 20, 2022Fellowship with PurposePhilippians 2:19-30
March 13,2022Bright LightsPhilippians 2:12-18
March 6, 2022Indicative and ImperativePhilippians 2:1-1
February 27, 2022Standing Together in SufferingPhilippians 1:27-30
February 20, 2022Larger Than LifePhilippians 1:18b-26
February 13, 2022CompetitionPhilippians 1:15-18
February 6, 2022Joy Behind BarsPhilippians 1:12-14
January 30, 2022I Belong to JesusPhilippians 1:6
January 23, 2022Terms of EndearmentPhilippians 1:3-8
January 16, 2022To Whom it May ConcernPhilippians 1:1-2
January 9, 2022Bearing FruitJohn 15:1-8
January 2, 2022Jesus Our FriendJohn 15:9-17