A Heart of Faith
By: Sinaia Smith
Faith is more than just a religion; it is a relationship.
A relationship with the Father, the One True God.
Faith in the fire, in the drought, in the persecution, in the trial.
When all seems to be under fire;
Ashes and smoke billowing up all around
Faith sustains, upholds, and strengthens.
Prayer is our only weapon
In this dark and fading earth.
In the midst of the darkness there is an eternal Light
Breaking through to save the souls of many.
When all seems to be dry, a dust bowl
In the wilderness.
Faith quenches, satisfies, and feasts
Even though all seems bleak
When our prayer lives seems stagnant
Yet when we try to pray and
There are no words
The Spirit intercedes
When we find ourselves being tried;
Faith gives peace, grace, and mercy
To the afflicted.
Faith becomes our lifeline, our anchor, our hope.
Faith is like a river flowing through our veins
A tidal wave of reassurance
Faith is more than a beacon of hope
In the fire, in the trial, in the drought
Faith is a shield, it is everything.