Grace Church will be serving as a Drop-Off Center for Operation Christmas Child, receiving shoeboxes packed with school supplies, hygiene items, toys and other useful things for children aged 2-14 (many of whom have never received a gift). These shoeboxes will be distributed by church and ministry partners in over 100 countries.


The boys and girls will hear the Gospel message before receiving their shoeboxes, and will also receive a booklet introducing Jesus and the gift of salvation.  Many children will choose to participate in a 12-week discipleship program where they learn more about what it means to follow Jesus.

These shoebox gifts are being used by God to transform the hearts of children, families, and communities.

Would you like to have a personal part in bringing the hope of the Gospel to children and families around the world?  Join us in our shoebox ministry!

National Collection Week 2024, is November 18-25

People from around the county will be bringing over a thousand shoeboxes to our church!     

You can participate in this ministry in several ways:

  • Pack a shoebox by yourself or with a friend.  (Decorative  boxes are available at the church.) Decide on a gender and age and fill  a box with toys, school supplies, toiletries, and other things a child would love.
  • Purchase individual items that can go in a box  and bring them to the church.
  • If you can’t get out to shop you can build a box online

(For both of these options, please make use of the packing brochures with gift suggestions and a list of items to avoid)

People from around the county will be bringing over a thousand shoeboxes to our church!

Our ministry as a Drop-Off Location is a team effort.                                                                                               

That means we need you on the team to:

  • Putting together gift boxes from individual donated items
  • Greeting those who come through our doors with their donated boxes
  • Baking cookies to offer our guests
  • Carrying packed shoeboxes from the cars into the church (young people encouraged to apply!)
  • Packing the shoeboxes into larger boxes for transport to the Northampton Collection Center
  • Loading the larger boxes onto the transport truck
  • Record keeping of the number of boxes brought in each day, and from whom

To sign up and to get more information, please speak to Charleen Bridgman, Relay Center Coordinator at 499-3040, or email to

The following report from a ministry partner in Honduras shows why we are involved in this ministry.

We had a special event scheduled at the Kindergarten in El Molino, a neighborhood in our city. We came to the place and while the distribution event was taking place, there was a small child looking at the event through the gates. With his gaze he was telling us that he wanted to be part of the event, which we agreed for him to enter the event. What was surprising, was that the first thing he told us was “I need to receive Jesus in my heart, I would also like a gift box”. The team gave him a gift box and before he opened it, they prayed over the child. Before opening it the asked, what things would you like your box to have? He simply said “something to fit my feet” (he was barefoot and did not own any shoes). The team prayed for him before opening the box and to their surprise as he opened the box simply said WOW! At the very top he had received a pair of sandals. The boy could not believe it. He was with great joy. And something that seemed so simple, made a huge impact on the boy and the team both because the boy had received Jesus and also, the great reminder of His care for his children when what he wanted and needed was provided in that simple box. Thank you, SP, for sending Good news of great joy around the world, and above all bringing the gospel of Jesus one child at a time through the local church. (2020)

 What goes into the box is fun.

  What comes out is eternal!