Women’s Fellowship ~ Study in 1 Peter
It’s Friday! We’re cheering on every woman who has committed to study Peter’s first letter over the next few months. The end of the second week has taken us to verse 9 of chapter 1. Let’s pray for each other, asking God to plant His Word deep in our hearts and cause it to produce fruit in our lives for His glory. I’m continuing to pray God will give us the grace and desire to accomplish the goals we’ve set for ourselves in this study.
Here is a wonderful summary of 1 Peter from John Calvin’s commentary:
The main object of this epistle is to raise us above the world, in order that we may be prepared and encouraged to sustain the spiritual (battles) of our warfare. For this end, the knowledge of God’s benefits avails much; for, when their value (becomes clearer) to us, all other things will be deemed worthless. When we consider what Christ and His blessings are…everything without Him is but dross. For this reason, Peter highly extols the wonderful grace of God in Christ, that is, that we may not deem it much to give up the world in order that we may enjoy the invaluable treasure of a future life; and also, that we may not be broken down by present troubles, but patiently endure them, being satisfied with eternal happiness. Further, when Peter gives thanks to God, he invites the faithful to spiritual joy, which can swallow up all the opposite feelings of our flesh.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…
1 Peter 1:3
Women’s Fellowship Study Schedule